Infrastructural Facilities
We have all facilities like well-connected metal road to ensure effective supply chain, availability of Gas to operate our own generators to produce required electricity while also have access to Rural Electrification Board (REB) supplied electricity.
World Class Laboratory
A good laboratory is the heart of the textile industry; higher precision lab can aid easily to achieve the goal of the customer desire. A great product is defined by even a greater finish, to deliver fine quality. You require a thread that enhances the product’s look and endurance. At Simtex industries Limited thread is manufactured by using advance technology and state-of-the-art machinery i.e. automatic dispensing machine / Robotic Pipetting Machine from Korea, as well as automatic solution maker with high accuracy to sustain the quality and reproducibility.
Most Modern Machineries
SIL has a strong goodwill for its products and operation in both local and global market using latest technology-based machineries.

Human Resources
Simtex Industries Limited considers the importance of staff as true ‘Human Resources’ and valuable assets that contribute to the continuing growth of the company. We emphasize on personnel at every level for building well trained, spirited and motivated work-force.
Principles we follow:
- We adhere to all legal and ethical standards in respect to our employee relationship
- Emphasize on employee skill development by providing training and application of motivational tools/personal skills